You are Soul


You are Soul

from $52.50

Lake Pushkar, India

Pushkar is one of the oldest and holiest cities in India, housing 500+ temples. A dip in this sacred lake is believed to cleanse all your sins. Inscriptions found attest to its existence in the 2nd century B.C. Lake Pushkar is often described in the scriptures as the only temple in the world devoted to Brahma, the Creator in Hinduism. During my time in Pushkar, I studied under Guru Swamiji of the Pushkar Meditation Temple. He believed in following the ancient science of the eight limbs of Yoga. His favorite words are, “You are not Body, You are Soul.” Every morning I stayed in Pushkar, he guided me through a walking meditation around the lake during sunrise. We would often stop at this gazebo to take in the pranic peace offered through the lake’s internal reflection. 

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